Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Today was rough...

I am not sure if it is that my boy and man are gone or that Darci is gone from work or that I couldn't get to sleep last night or that I have gnarly headache. But today was one of those gawd awful kind of days. Just plain rough.

I didn't get much done at work and I am not getting much done at home. Took some headache reliever that has yet to kick in. Now I am contemplating going upstairs to take a bubble bath trying to reenact those Calgon take me away commercials.

In the goodness and light category of my day my oh so studly nephew made the tie goal for the Coos Bay/ North Bend Civil War game. Not only that but he text messaged, his dear gnarly headached, lack of sleep aunt that he missed her. Thanks for lovin' me bubs.


Dan said...

Don't worry we'll be home soon.

Jamie W. said...

Im sorry. :( I hope you feel better today.

Pia said...

I like that there's been a lot of pictures of you on your blog lately. :)

I hope you'll feel better soon!

And I'm also impressed that Dan commented on your blog. Mattias doesn't even read mine!

Hope you'll have a great weekend!
I miss you!
