Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Well my computer hasn't been working so just a little backtracking here. The weekend of the 17th-19th we went up to Portland to visit the in laws. Took Some pictures of my nieces. Got a breathtaking one of Anna. I just love her eyes in the picture. Also got this one of Julia...
Two very pretty girls.

We went to OMSI had an alright time. It always sounds like more fun than it really is. But Kyler had a good time. Dan went snowboarding with his dad at Mt. Hood. He was up there the day that those climber got stuck up on the mountain overnight.

Then this last weekend Ryan, Sheryl, Kirra and Ricky came down to visit . Dan and the boys went Snowboarding again this time to Mt. Shasta. This time it was Dan that got stuck they got stuck on the way coming back on for about an hour on I-5. Took some pictures of Kirra. This was the best one because she moved but I still really like it cause she is smiling so much.

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