Friday, September 21, 2007


Many birthday wishes for my little guy today. He turns 3. We are having his birthday party tomorrow and driving up for my great niece Kirra's party. They share the same birthday.

We had a little morning birthday celebration with just the 3 of us. Kyler got a cupcake and to open a few presents.

On a entirely different subject. I watched Oprah yesterday, she had Sean Penn on a he was promoting his new movie Into the Wild. I had never heard the story of Christopher McCandless. Very interesting stuff. I am not sure if he was stupid or a genius. I am thinking maybe a combination of both. But I have to admire him for stepping out of the box and having a little adventure. Makes me think I should be more adventuress, not to his extreme but something. I think I may read the book. Anyway I gotta go get ready to head up to RB and Party down with Kirra. :)

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