Sunday, January 30, 2011

Its difficult..

 To keep up with this blog and facebook. And now that I have Elements 9 I can post photos right to facebook well that just makes it too easy to forget you little bloggy blog. Here are a few pictures from the month of December. We had a busy month with the holidays and photo shoots and a new baby great niece Emma.

I will try to be a better blogger but really I am not sure if that will happen...


Susanne said...

You'll find that you'll eventually get into a blogging rhythm. Thanks for stopping by mine. I'm afraid I haven't mastered all the techie stuff yet - and haven't dared to try Facebook.

Stacy H-W said...

Mary, that was so sweet of your husband to put those flowers outside your window!! Lucky you!!
Keep plugging along on your blog.... Stacy H-W