Sunday, September 12, 2010

Where I have been... Part 2

Last weekend we headed up to visit Dan's family in Aloha. Dan's grandpa and his Aunt Carol were there from Florida. I had never met Carol even though I have been part of the family for almost 10 years. So it was an exciting trip. 
We also went to the Oregon State Fair. I had never been to a state fair and it was quite a bit bigger than our fairs down here.Kyler would not go in to the Dinosaur exhibit with us so I went with the girls and Dan Sr. He did however ask to ride in the back of a monster truck. Go Figure!

We also got a few family shots while we were up there. Here is most of the family with the exception of Phyllis and myself. 

Dan, Dan Sr. Angie, Kirsten, Carol, Grandpa. In front Julia, Anna and Kyler.

1 comment:

Darci said...

Love,love,love that first picture of the the cousins!