Saturday, February 20, 2010


We went up to visit my in-laws last weekend. Dan had injured his neck earlier in the week and was released from driving duty by his doctor.

We got the chance to finally exchange our Christmas gifts with them. Kyler got lots of Geotrax which he has spread all over my front room as I type. Dan and I got cash which we are saving for Legoland. We hope to make the trek down to Legoland in May or Sept.

Here is a picture of Kyler with his cousins Julia, Anna and Synthia.

Today is a beautiful day here in Southern Oregon. Dan and Kyler played outside for a while putting together a rocket that Grandpa gave Kyler. They also put up a tire swing.

I came out for a while and took Kyler's picture and watched the rocket launch. Sorry no pictures of the launch as it went way too fast. However if you want to see the rocket its hanging from a tree here, way up in the air, where I think it may be for awhile.

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