Thursday, April 03, 2008

This is the life...

The last past week has been super nice weather. I was really starting to wonder if we would ever get a spring. Tuesday, on my day off Kyler and I spent a good amount of time outside. First playing Moon Sand (one of my least favorite gifts from the Grandma's) and then I planted some of the flowers Dan bought me on Easter. While Kyler practiced riding his bike. He really hasn't gotten the steering down yet.

I am back on the healthy eating plan. After gaining back about 10 of the 30 pounds I lost. I thought it was about time. So far I haven't been too bad with the exception of today's lunch. It could have been better. We will see what the end of the week brings.

1 comment:

:corinne: said...

Yay for spring! Perfect time for bike rides :) Good for you to start eating healthy...I should join you!