Sunday, September 20, 2009

Kyler's Party

Today was Kyler's party. He will be 5 officially tomorrow. We had a Lego themed party of course because that's what he seems to be into these days.

Everything seemed to go well. Lots of people and lots and lots Lego's. I had lots of help since Leisa came down. She most of the balloon action since she does that for a living ;) We had cupcakes to avoid a cake-tastrophe like last year. We also played a super fun game this year, involving a clothesline, clothesline clips and fruit-roll ups.

Overall I was happy with the whole day. I felt like I didn't plan as last year so I didn't feel as prepared.

The fruit roll up game... The kids had to eat their fruit roll ups off the line without using their hands. There were a few cheaters but still pretty darn funny to watch. Then we did a round with the adults which I think judging by the laughing was funnier.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Game On

Kyler and I have both been suffering with a cold this week. We did manage to go to oh so studly nephew's soccer game in GP. I talked with him before and asked him what side I should sit on Alex's team or the Grants Pass team. He said Grants Pass because they were gonna stomp them. Well we won and by we I mean Grants Pass. Sorry Alex. I did get to hug him after so I feel like the really winner. For most of the game Kyler was rooting for #5. Alex #10 mind you but since Kyler is turning 5 it was all about #5.

Speaking of funny Kyler stuff. He has figured out how to add Lego's to his cart on the website. I look in there today and he has about 1700 dollars worth of Lego's in his cart. Thank god he doesn't have my credit card number!

Kyler rooting for number 5. Go #5.

My dad watching the game.

Lastly this is a normal view in my car on the way to work. My town is beautiful.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Darkness and light

Life is full of darkness and light. This past week I experienced both. On Sept 10, 2009 at 11:52 pm Danielle (like my little sister but she is my niece) gave birth to Brody James Clark. Brody was diagnosed in utero with Trisomy 18 . We were hopeful but not sure what Brody's outcome would be. He lived about 2 hours. In those two hours that sweet baby helped me to let go of somethings that had bothered me the last couple of years and to be a more loving understanding Aunt and person. I won't say that I understand god's plan in this
situation but I am praying that he continues to show it to me and helps me to understand.

I sat down many times to write an entry not sure if I should include something about Brody or if I should just talk about Kyler's first day of school. I won't continue to go into lots of detail because its not an experience I want to relive over and over again. But Brody was important to me and it didn't feel right to not mention him.

Kyler started his last year of preschool on Friday. He is also going to a new preschool since his old one closed. He seems to like his new school and his teacher only had nice things to say about him. He'll have homework at this new school and it feels much more like kindergarten. I am hoping he learns a lot this year and is ready for next year.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Today was rough...

I am not sure if it is that my boy and man are gone or that Darci is gone from work or that I couldn't get to sleep last night or that I have gnarly headache. But today was one of those gawd awful kind of days. Just plain rough.

I didn't get much done at work and I am not getting much done at home. Took some headache reliever that has yet to kick in. Now I am contemplating going upstairs to take a bubble bath trying to reenact those Calgon take me away commercials.

In the goodness and light category of my day my oh so studly nephew made the tie goal for the Coos Bay/ North Bend Civil War game. Not only that but he text messaged, his dear gnarly headached, lack of sleep aunt that he missed her. Thanks for lovin' me bubs.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Miss Anna Bo Banna

I got to do my first photo shoot with Miss Anna. She was born at 5 am this morning. She is pretty darn cute and not the least bit camera shy. I like her an awful lot! She actually belongs to Joe and Darci (oh and Davey too!) my dear friends and neighbors but they are sharing her very nicely.

Oh and here is our first picture together.

Friday, September 04, 2009


I wanted to blog today and since I can't blog without including a picture you get a self portrait from last weekend. And just now when I misspelled portrait blogger wanted change it to prostate. A self Prostate? Anyway...

I got supervise two visits today at work! One at the office and one in someone's home and since I haven't every done that before its kind of a big deal to me. Moving hopefully towards being a SSA.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Scrappy Jo's

Here are all my projects for Scrappy Jo's this month. We got to work with various papers but I focused on the Mango Luau line. I also made one LO using Glitz-Audrey. (the play hard LO) The paper was so fun! Its probably one of my favorites so far. It worked so well for all of my summer shots.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

And for your vewing pleasure...


We took the boat out for what might be the last trip of the summer. Couldn't find any willing bodies to go with us so instead of towing anyone, we decided to try out a new lake. We went up to Emigrant Lake. We had a fun time, the water was a little too cold for me and a lot too cold for Kyler. So we didn't do a whole lot of swimming. Just ate lunch, sunbathed and sped around the lake a few times.

After the trip to the lake we stopped at the awesome play ground there and Dan walked down to see how much the slides were. It was only 7 dollars for an hours and half. So Kyler and Dan tried out the slides. Kyler loved them! When they got to the end Dan would just hold him up so he didn't get his face int he water.